Our Approach

About Chin Teik Consulting | Consultant Profile | Career Highlights | Our Approach

Chin Teik’s Mission, Brand and Design

Chin Teik’s personal core purpose in life is to make immediate impact on people he works with, works for and cares about.

Chin Teik brand elements are ‘results focused’, ‘brutal honesty’, ‘practical solutions’ and ‘simplicity in solutions’.

Chin Teik designs his senior executive coaching and workshops around system solutions approach and action learning.  System solutions approach ensures that the right leadership behaviors and system (structure, process, system and tools) are aligned to enable the desired behavior change of employees

Results-Focused: It is about business results and organization performance!  We do not believe in wasting our clients’ time and thus pace is very important in the design of the action learning workshops or coaching sessions.  We have seen that with the fast pace and intensive working sessions participants are highly engaged and many ideas are generated within a short period of time.

‘Chin Teik comes across as very sincere and concern about our success. His passion and energy is contagious’
– Relocation and Real Estate Senior Manager

‘I learned from Chin Teik on how to set the pace and get more ideas from people in a very short time!’
– Otis Elevator (HK) Ltd Senior Manager

‘Within an hour, I learned three things from you’
– Brand Management Company CEO

Practical Solutions: We are looking at immediate application and behavior change during the action learning workshops or coaching sessions. We design practical tools which allow for immediate application during and after the workshop or coaching session.  These practical tools are designed and tested by Chin Teik personally.  These tools help to accelerate the clients’ learning.  Action learning allows for solving real problems while learning leadership principles.

Chin Teik is very intuitive about his participants’ needs and is able to re-design the agenda to suit his client’s different needs’
– Electric Utility HR and Senior Manager

‘Chin Teik’s facilitation and consulting is very practical and we can apply immediately what we have learned during the session’
– Public Packages Holdings MD

‘I love the use of post-its to brainstorm effectively’
– Otis Senior Manager

‘The 2 Page Project Management Tool forces me to think, plan and to be concise’
– Taylor’s University Executive

Brutal Honesty: We believe that we are in a position to share with senior leaders what they need to hear not what they want to hear. Feedback is the breakfast of champions and when leaders have information that makes sense, they will take the necessary actions.

‘Chin Teik has the ability to nudge me in the right way so that I can take the appropriate action’
– Training Center Senior Executive

‘Chin Teik is very accurate in his feedback about me and that gives me the power to act’
– Education Group teachers as performance coaches

Simplicity in Solutions: We believe in trying to make things simple in a complex world where we can.  Simple is harder to do. However, simple requires clarity and understanding. We coach senior leaders to communicate simply as well as look for solutions that are simple and practical.

‘Chin Teik pushes us to think, plan and communicate simply via his 2 Page Project Management tool’
– Education Group, senior executive